2023.12 Time train, Light rain. Solo Art Exhibition
ーMasudakohboh Tokyo
2023.11 音楽を撮る|グループ展
ーCOZI COZI house
2023.10 Emergence Tokyo Vol.6 Photo Exhibition
2021.08 Traveling 13「旅しないカメラ CHINA」
ーPLACE M, Tokyo
2020.06 Post-vintage2020 -encounters-
ーAichi, Japan
2019.11 Asia contemporary art show
ーConrad Hong Kong
Sue Yuka
舒 雨佳
Born in Sichuan, China. Came to Japan in 2017 after working in design for advertising production companies in Chengdu and Shanghai. Currently working in Tokyo doing design work, mainly corporate and brand visual design, logo, VIS, packaging, 3D digital, web page, etc. In addition to design, she also work on photography.
In 2014, she started her career as a freelance photographer. Mainly shooting portraits, landscapes, and key visuals. She has been awarded for camera collaboration by Fujifilm and Samsung in China, and was selected as the most popular photographer in the July issue of "Youth Visual" magazine.
She takes photos from a quiet standpoint, capturing stories, emotions, and other feelings. She has been photographing mainly time and light, focusing on the experience of a moment of irreversible return.
2014年にフリーランス写真家としてのキャリアをスタート。主にポートレート、風景、キービジュアルなどの撮影。 中国の富士フイルムやSamsungのカメラコラボレーション賞を受賞し、2015年雑誌「青年視覚」7月号では最も人気の写真家として選出された。webサイトだけでなく、映画やドラマのキービジュアル、雑誌撮影など幅広く従事。
静かな立場で、ストーリーやエモーションなど感じる写真を撮っています。 戻れない一瞬の体験を大事に、時間と光をメインに撮影続いてる。

Born in Sichuan, China, YUJIA moved to Japan in 2017 and based in Tokyo, where she works creatively in design and photography. Deeply influenced by independent music since she was a young student, she released her first single in China in 2016, and officially started her music career in Japan as “YUJIA” in 2023. Main production genres are ambient, instrumental, electronic, chill, and easy-listening, and she also produces soundtracks for films and video productions.
中国四川省出身。2017年に日本へ渡り、東京を拠点にデザインや写真を中心としたクリエイティブ活動。学生の頃からインディーズミュージックに深い影響を受け、2016年には中国で初のシングルをリリース。2023年、「YUJIA」として正式な音楽活動を日本でスタート。主な制作ジャンルは Ambient, instrumental, electronic, chill, easy-listening。映画や映像作品のサウンドトラック制作も手掛けている。